Evangelization Treasures

Sharing about the letter “N” in EVANGELIZATION


Mother Teresa of Calcutta often reminded us of Matthew 25:45 “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me. When teaching this lesson to others, Mother Teresa held out her hand and pointed to each finger as she recited probably the most 5 important words you should never forget: “YOU DID IT TO ME”. Everything you do to others either good or bad, you do it to Jesus. This is something to remember when you don’t feel like being bothered when the “lost” are in need of your love. When you walk away from the lost, you walk away from Jesus. When you are too busy for the loss, you are too busy for Jesus. However, each time you notice Jesus in the lost, and treat them as though they WERE Jesus, you are doing it for Him. THAT’S Evangelization. Mother Teresa also says to “always look for the face of God in everyone you meet”. How can we look for the face of God and show love to the lost? Pause before you speak or act and remind yourself that each person you encounter is created in the image of God. Treat everyone the way you would want to be treated. Pray for those that are struggling and take that extra step to show kindness. Instead of walking past someone in need, take a moment to stop and help them. Every time you stop to hold a door, feed and clothe the poor, make a donation for a cause, encourage someone during a loss or help someone through an addiction, hold out your hand and remind yourself that,“YOU DID IT TO ME.”