“A”: Always study scripture and spread God’s word.
There are so many books out today for all of us to read for guidance, self help, and for just the enjoyment of reading. There is One book that the whole world can benefit from reading. By reading this One book, we can discover all the answers to life’s questions. The book that I am referring to is “The Holy Bible”. The amazing book has been on the New York Times Best Seller List since February 15, 1953 and the words and message from the Bible have been reaching and touching souls ever since. BIBLE: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. The Bible was handed down to us for one purpose; to study it, learn it, engrave it in our hearts and then spread the Word to others. The words in the Bible are simply God speaking to us through scripture. Whenever we hear the readings and gospels at Mass, God instructs us and speaks to us individually in our own special way. Try to spend time reading Scripture on a daily basis. Take time to meditate on what you read and keep note cards handy to jot down what has touched you for the day. Memorize as many verses as you can so they will always be in your heart to turn to in time of need. The more you spend time in scripture, and allow God to speak to you, the more comfortable you will feel in spreading God’s word to help your friends and loved ones that are in need. Always remember, YOU may be the ONLY Bible that someone may ever read. There are so many treasures in the Bible. Seek them and God will reveal them to you so you can share the golden nuggets to everyone you meet!.