Evangelization Treasures

Sharing about the letter “N” in EVANGELIZATION


Mother Teresa of Calcutta often reminded us of Matthew 25:45 “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me. When teaching this lesson to others, Mother Teresa held out her hand and pointed to each finger as she recited probably the most 5 important words you should never forget: “YOU DID IT TO ME”. Everything you do to others either good or bad, you do it to Jesus. This is something to remember when you don’t feel like being bothered when the “lost” are in need of your love. When you walk away from the lost, you walk away from Jesus. When you are too busy for the loss, you are too busy for Jesus. However, each time you notice Jesus in the lost, and treat them as though they WERE Jesus, you are doing it for Him. THAT’S Evangelization. Mother Teresa also says to “always look for the face of God in everyone you meet”. How can we look for the face of God and show love to the lost? Pause before you speak or act and remind yourself that each person you encounter is created in the image of God. Treat everyone the way you would want to be treated. Pray for those that are struggling and take that extra step to show kindness. Instead of walking past someone in need, take a moment to stop and help them. Every time you stop to hold a door, feed and clothe the poor, make a donation for a cause, encourage someone during a loss or help someone through an addiction, hold out your hand and remind yourself that,“YOU DID IT TO ME.”


Evangelization Treasures

Sharing about the letter “A” in EVANGELIZATION

“A”: Always study scripture and spread God’s word.

There are so many books out today for all of us to read for guidance, self help, and for just the enjoyment of reading. There is One book that the whole world can benefit from reading. By reading this One book, we can discover all the answers to life’s questions. The book that I am referring to is “The Holy Bible”. The amazing book has been on the New York Times Best Seller List since February 15, 1953 and the words and message from the Bible have been reaching and touching souls ever since. BIBLE: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. The Bible was handed down to us for one purpose; to study it, learn it, engrave it in our hearts and then spread the Word to others. The words in the Bible are simply God speaking to us through scripture. Whenever we hear the readings and gospels at Mass, God instructs us and speaks to us individually in our own special way. Try to spend time reading Scripture on a daily basis. Take time to meditate on what you read and keep note cards handy to jot down what has touched you for the day. Memorize as many verses as you can so they will always be in your heart to turn to in time of need. The more you spend time in scripture, and allow God to speak to you, the more comfortable you will feel in spreading God’s word to help your friends and loved ones that are in need. Always remember, YOU may be the ONLY Bible that someone may ever read. There are so many treasures in the Bible. Seek them and God will reveal them to you so you can share the golden nuggets to everyone you meet!.

Evangelization Treasures

Sharing about the Letter “V” in EVANGELIZATION

“V”: Voice your faith.
There is a music competition show out today called The “Voice” and to make it through the first round, the contestants are judged strictly by their voice alone. The judges never see what the contestants look like, what they wear or how they present themselves on stage. The only factors the judges have to evaluate are by the sound of the voice and how the judges were moved by the way the song was presented.
We are all called to share God’s love and to move others about how much God loves us. Nothing fancy is required. When you voice your faith with others, don’t worry about sharing theology and lengthy quotes from scripture. Just focus on planting seeds. Be sincere and talk about your faith as though you are sharing the words to your own special love song with God.
People may not always remember exactly everything that you say to them, but they will always remember how you made them feel. So, voice your faith and love for God with the same passion as the contestants on the “Voice”, Leaving others feeling moved with the desire to create their own love song with God.

Evangelization Treasures



In 1 Cor. 11:1, St. Paul instructs us to follow his example the way he follows the example of Jesus. Every day we have many opportunities to be an example to others by our words and our actions. You may not think this is a form of Evangelization, but indirectly it is, because you are showing others how to be an example of Christ. Remember the acronym WWJD from a few years back? The WWJD slogan was born out of Charles Sheldon’s 1896 novel, In His Steps. The lead character suggested that if each person asked “What Would Jesus Do?” with each decision they made, the world would be a much better place. Each time we Do What Jesus would Do, We are indeed, Evangelizing! WWJD = EVANGELIZATION.

An inspiring example of Evangelization is portrayed in the following true story regarding my dear friend: As a grandmother, she unexpectedly received word that her 9 month old grandson was killed as a result of physical abuse by the baby’s father. As expected, the family and friends of this precious baby were all quick to condemn as they were consumed with bitterness and anger. At the funeral, there wasn’t a dry eye due to the tragic circumstance and the room was filled with unforgiveness. When the grandmother gave the eulogy, the unexpected happened. Instead of speaking about anger, she spoke about forgiveness and how the only way to move forward was to dig deep in their hearts to forgive the man who killed her precious Grandson. This story shows how following Jesus’ example leads to Evangelization. We may not all face situations as tragic as this, but we all have opportunities in our everyday lives to ask ourselves,” What Would Jesus Do?”, and then follow His example. Be that example as best as you can!

Evangelization Treasures

We are all called to evangelize and spread God’s word

There are so many treasures to be found in the bible and one of my favorite treasures is the importance for all of us to Evangelize and Spread God’s Word. The following is an example attached to each letter of the treasures in the word,”EVANGELIZATION”. Stay tuned as I break down each example in separate blogs to elaborate with ideas for you to learn how to evangelize with love, confidence and joy!


E: Example to others by your words and actions

V: Voice your beliefs

A: Always make time to study Scripture and spread God’s word

N: Notice Jesus in the Lost

G: Give of your time, talents and treasures

E: Examination of conscience

L: Love the unlovable

I: Invite others to mass and church groups

Z: Zest to Seek God to Know God and to Love God

A: Always be prepared to share your story

T: Time spent in prayer

I: Instrument of peace

O: Open your heart to where God leads you

N: Never forget to smile